Adjusting responsiveness

About the application

ShortenIt is a web application that allows the user to reduce long links to shorter ones. It takes an input from the user, once the user send the link, it returns a shortened functional link.


The goal of ShortenIt is to convert long URLs into short, easy-to-share links while ensuring fast, reliable redirection. It provides a simple, ad-free experience, making link sharing more convenient without unnecessary steps or distractions.


  • Basic Link Shortening - Input a long URL and receive a shorter version.
  • Ad-Free and Minimalist Interface - simplicity for best user experience, with less distractions.
  • No Login Required - users can shorten their links without the need of having an account.

Here's how it works ...

It's pretty straightforward!
The web application contains a field where the user is going to paste and send the long link. After that, the user must click on the send button.
Once done that, the link is sent to the server and the server returns the shortened and functional link, in less than 3s.
Afterwards, the user has 30 seconds to copy the link and start using it.